Design and calculation of tracked transport and technological machines.
Author: Nikolay Borisovich Veselov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor.
The book shows the design features, methods of designing and calculating transport and technological machines for various purposes intended for operation in difficult natural and climatic conditions of swamps and virgin snow in the regions of Siberia, the Far East and the North of our country.
The textbook reflects the experience of developing machines for twenty-two years of operation of the NGO "Transport" LLC enterprise.
The book is intended for students of higher educational institutions when studying the courses: "The design of multi-purpose tracked and wheeled vehicles (MG and KM)", "The theory of motion of MG and KM", "Dynamics of machines", "Methods of calculation of MG and KM", "Construction mechanics of ground transport systems", "Fundamentals of the design of multi-purpose wheeled and tracked vehicles". The book may be useful for engineering and technical personnel engaged in the operation and maintenance of tracked transport and technological machines.